
Welcome to Coach Chainsaw's Dugout!

This is a small site dedicated to a combination of help and fluff for Blood Bowl coaches.

Blood Bowl

A board game designed and sold by Games Workshop Ltd.  It is a unique game based on a fantasy sport, where 2 teams battle it out on the pitch and destiny is determined by a combination of tactics and dice.

The official Blood Bowl set can be bought from Games Workshop.

Site Content

All information on this site is designed only to assist learning, playing, and enjoying Blood Bowl and as such is intended for owners of the official set.

All content on this site is "reverse engineered" - that is, written without reference to the official documentation.  It is also inexhaustive; if you don't own a copy of the official rules, then the information in this site is too limited for you to play without it.


There is a lot of detail in the Blood Bowl ruleset - which is one of its strengths but also a weakness as it makes it daunting for new players.  The primary goal of this wesbsite is to make the game more accessible,